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Site regulations

Introduction -

Welcome to the Binovate Ltd website (hereinafter: “the website”) operated by “Binovate Ltd” PO Box 314115254 from the address Gan Yavne 5/1 Hemagal Street, (hereinafter: “the website management” and/or “the company”).
Any use of the site constitutes acceptance of these regulations, the terms and conditions contained therein.

The regulations may change from time to time, and the user must update the regulations every time he enters the website. Browsing the website and/or using it of any kind, like them as an agreement to the terms of the regulations and a commitment to act according to them. It is clarified that the regulations constitute a legally binding agreement for all intents and purposes and obligates the user for all his use of the site.

  • What is stated in these regulations in the masculine language is for convenience only and the regulations refer to members of both sexes equally.
  • The services through the website are subject to the conditions detailed in these regulations.
  • The very act of ordering services on the website will constitute a statement by the customer that he has read the provisions of this regulation, understood them and agreed to them. The regulations constitute a binding contract between the user and the website management.

The services -

  • The site allows browsing the services provided by the company.
  • The services can be ordered by contacting the company.
  • The website management reserves the right to terminate its services at any time.
  • The right to use the site is for every citizen who has turned 18 years old. A minor browsing the website’s contents and the company’s services will be considered a minor who has received the permission of his parents/guardians to browse the website.

Availability and regional location -

  • The availability of the services is subject to a date that is determined with the company separately from the website.
  • For any questions or inquiries regarding the services, you can call the company’s offices at 0523911448

warranty and service -

  • The website management is not responsible for physical or financial damages or any other damage caused during the browsing of the website.
  • The management of the site disclaims any responsibility for the contents written on the site or for their use and their consequences.

Information security and privacy -

  • The management of the site, as well as sister companies and additional sub-factors acting on behalf of the company’s management to the same standards, may use the information appearing in the form in order to bring you the requested information and services. This personal information will not be disclosed and will not be used further for marketing purposes without permission and will not be transferred to a third party without express permission from the customer.
  • The content of the service and the disclosure of personal information during the service will never be disclosed to another person or any party without written permission from the customer. The website management is committed to your privacy and this privacy is our top priority.
  • By clicking the “Send” button, I confirm with my signature the form and its conditions.
  • The site is secured through the use of advanced security measures, the purpose of which is to ensure proper use and safe browsing of the site, as well as to maintain the privacy of the users. All users of the website and its services undertake that they will not do any activity to disrupt the activity of the website, steal information about users and hack the website’s security mechanisms.
  • In the event of misuse, the website management will act against any activity in any legal way at its disposal, including blocking the user from accessing the website and taking legal proceedings against the user if he acts as stated.

Intellectual Property -

  • All intellectual property rights on this website, including copyrights, distribution rights, trade secrets, trademarks and all intellectual property of any kind, both regarding the design and page of the website, and regarding the contents appearing on it, are the exclusive property of the website management.
  • Do not copy, reproduce, distribute, publish or use in any other way any information from the site and/or from the site, unless consent has been given in advance and in writing on behalf of the site’s management.

Law and Jurisdiction -

  • The interpretation and enforcement of these regulations and/or any action or conflict arising from it will be done in accordance with Israeli law only and the competent court in Tel Aviv will have exclusive jurisdiction.

contact -