Business success from your technology at a distance of button press >

Consulting and technological support
for startup companies,
Established companies, for investors and funds

We managed and carried out hundreds of technological projects for existing companies and startups while maintaining the continuation of the activity with flexibility, efficiency and cost savings.

Book your free consultation call today!

    ברוכים הבאים ל-Binovate -

    השותף הטכנולוגי שלכם להצלחה עסקית!


    Your technological partner for business success!⁢

    As a leading technology company, we specialize in providing advanced technological solutions and professional advice to startups, established companies and investors. Our experts, as an experienced software development house, help our customers at every stage - from designing innovative cloud systems, through developing high-quality MVP for startups, to integration of existing systems to improve functionality and performance.⁢

    Binobyte's team is well-versed in creating a wide variety of solutions, including comprehensive ERP systems for managing all of the organization's processes, systems for managing the software development itself, business automation solutions to increase efficiency and productivity, and other smart systems that will exactly fit the unique needs of your business.⁢

    as a company⁢ Y ⁢Otz⁢ , we place emphasis on providing personalized technological advice to each client. Whether it is a young startup that needs guidance in choosing the right technologies, or an old company that wants to optimize existing processes - we will be happy to accompany you and offer the extensive knowledge and experience we have gained to move your organization forward.⁢

    Let's meet for a consultation and adapt our advanced solutions, such as ERP software, automation, integration and cloud system development - to the specific needs of your business. Together we will lead you to technological and business success.⁢

    Binovate for startups

    We help early-stage startups develop an MVP quickly, choose the right technologies and create an infrastructure that will support future growth. We will help you recruit technological talents, make informed decisions regarding the system architecture and achieve your goals while saving time and costs.

    Binovate for investors and venture capital funds

    We offer investors insights and in-depth analyzes regarding the technological value and feasibility of investment opportunities. We will assist in technological due diligence, evaluating the market potential and closely accompanying the portfolio companies in order to maximize the return on investment.

    Binovate for established companies

    For established companies, we offer consulting services that help deal with complex technological challenges. Starting with a transition to a cloud architecture, through system integration to the automation of business processes using AI. We will work with you to improve the customer experience, increase operational efficiency and create a significant competitive advantage.

    We have rich experience in a wide variety
    of technologies and industries.

    The binovate company relies on over 15 years of technological and managerial experience and serves venture capital funds, startups at various stages and companies from any field seeking to advance a technological project.

    The company was founded after establishing and managing a software house that operated for about a decade and successfully carried out hundreds of projects for over 100 different companies.

    We are committed to providing our customers with innovative and customized solutions that yield proven and measurable value.

    You are invited to be impressed by the variety of our services and the rich experience we have gained. Contact us today and let’s start working together to make your technological vision a reality!


    Implementation of technological tools for companies and organizations⁢

    • Implementation of business management systems (CRM / ERP)
    • Development of control systems, BI, control and decision-making for companies.
    • Artificial intelligence solutions based on the information available in companies.
    • Building process automation for projects with the help of artificial intelligence.


    Launch your startup: customized software development consulting, assistance in improving the software development processes, unique consulting services:⁢ ⁢

    • Defining effective work procedures: creating clear, uniform processes that support efficient development, identifying bottlenecks, wasting time and resources.⁢
    • Implementation of advanced technological tools: automation of repetitive tasks, improvement of communication and cooperation between teams.⁢
    • Adoption of new technologies: controlled implementation of new technologies while taking into account your needs and capabilities.⁢


    Planning, development, management and maintenance of cloud infrastructures⁢

    • Performance optimizations⁢
    • Upgrading an existing system to work in the cloud.
    • Establishing public, private or hybrid cloud environments.⁢
    • Management of cloud resources, such as servers, networks and storage
    • Cloud infrastructure security.

    socail team

    Building a strong development team for your startup, building a winning development team.⁢

    • Analyzing your development needs and formulating the perfect candidate profile and drafting detailed job descriptions.⁢
    • Participation in recruitment interviews of development and technology personnel.⁢
    • Analyzing your development needs and examining the possibility of outsourcing development sources, including finding suitable outsourcing companies.⁢

    Designing artificial intelligence algorithms for companies and startups:⁢

    • Developing effective strategies for collecting high-quality and accurate data needed to train your algorithms.⁢
    • Defining goals: analyzing your business needs and identifying areas where AI can provide significant value.⁢
    • Development of Scaling systems that allow your AI algorithm to adapt to changing user loads⁢


    A startup in the process of raising investment?⁢

    • A thorough analysis of the startup's technology, product and team, identifying strengths and weaknesses.⁢
    • Performing technological due diligence: in-depth analysis of the technology, products and staff.⁢
    • Assistance in preparing the startups for additional capital raising, while emphasizing technological progress and business achievements.⁢


    Implementation of technological tools for companies and organizations⁢

    • Implementation of business management systems (CRM / ERP)
    • Development of control systems, BI, control and decision-making for companies.
    • Artificial intelligence solutions based on the information available in companies.
    • Building process automation for projects with the help of artificial intelligence.

    הטמעת כלים טכנולוגיים לחברות וארגונים

    • Implementation of business management systems (CRM / ERP)
    • Development of control systems, BI, control and decision-making for companies.
    • Artificial intelligence solutions based on the information available in companies.
    • Building process automation for projects with the help of artificial intelligence.


    הזנק את הסטארטאפ שלך: ייעוץ פיתוח תוכנה מותאם, סיוע בשיפור תהליכי פיתוח התוכנה, שירותי ייעוץ ייחודיים:

    • הגדרת נהלי עבודה יעילים: יצירת תהליכים ברורים, אחידים ותומכים בפיתוח יעיל, זיהוי צווארי בקבוק, בזבוז זמן ומשאבים.
    • הטמעת כלים טכנולוגיים מתקדמים: אוטומציה של משימות חוזרות, שיפור התקשורת ושיתוף הפעולה בין צוותים.
    • אימוץ טכנולוגיות חדשות: הטמעה מבוקרת של טכנולוגיות חדשות תוך התחשבות בצרכים וביכולות שלכם.


    תכנון, פיתוח, ניהול ותחזוקה של תשתיות ענן

    • Performance optimizations
    • Upgrading an existing system to work in the cloud.
    • Establishing public, private or hybrid cloud environments.
    • Management of cloud resources, such as servers, networks and storage.
    • Cloud infrastructure security.


    בניית צוות פיתוח חזק עבור הסטארטאפ שלך, בניית צוות פיתוח מנצח.

    • ניתוח צרכי הפיתוח שלכם וגיבוש פרופיל המועמד המושלם וניסוח תיאורי תפקידים מפורטים.
    • השתתפות בראיונות גיוס של אנשי פיתוח וטכנולוגיה.
    • ניתוח צרכי הפיתוח שלכם ובחינת האפשרות להוציא מקורות פיתוח חיצוניים כולל איתור חברות Outsourcing מתאימות.


    תכנון אלגוריתמים של בינה מלאכותית לחברות וסטראטאפים:

    • פיתוח אסטרטגיות יעילות לאיסוף נתונים איכותיים ומדויקים הדרושים לאימון האלגוריתמים שלכם.
    • הגדרת מטרות: ניתוח צרכי העסק שלכם וזיהוי תחומים בהם AI יכול לספק ערך משמעותי.
    • פיתוח מערכות Scaling המאפשרות לאלגוריתם ה-AI שלכם להתאים את עצמו לעומסי משתמשים משתנים


    סטארטאפ בתהליך גיוס השקעה?

    • ניתוח יסודי של הטכנולוגיה, המוצר והצוות של הסטארטאפ, תוך זיהוי נקודות החוזק והחולשה.
    • ביצוע Due Diligence טכנולוגי: ניתוח מעמיק של הטכנולוגיה, המוצרים והצוות.
    • סיוע בהכנת הסטארטאפים לגיוסי הון נוספים, תוך הדגשת ההתקדמות הטכנולוגית וההישגים העסקיים.

    Binovate has a lot of experience in system planning

    over 15
    Years of experience
    Commitment to
    the customer
    Hundreds of
    startups and companies


    חברת Binovate ייעוץ וליווי טכנולוגי מומחים ב...

    Binovate consulting and technology support company, experts in...⁢

    • Artificial intelligence - the world of artificial intelligence is developing at a dizzying pace and we accompany and advise in the field to various clients and diverse projects. 
    • Software systems engineering - there are countless solutions for accompanying and consulting in the planning and characterization of software systems. From locating and managing employees to complex technological issues.
    • Business-technological consulting - business consulting based on technological knowledge. A unique solution adapted to technological moves of any size.

    למה אנחנו?

    Why U.S?⁢

    Both business knowledge, with managerial experience and technology

    Also ⁢business⁢ knowledge, with ⁢management⁢ experience ⁢
    and ⁢technology⁢ too

    Introduction to the high-tech world⁢
    Also from the investors⁢
    And also from the entrepreneurs⁢

    Economic feasibility analysis⁢
    and technological feasibility⁢ ⁢
    Already in the first stages

    היכרות עם עולם ההיי-טק
    גם מצד המשקיעים
    וגם מצד היזמים

    Analysis of economic viability
    and technological feasibility
    already in the first stages

    זמינות ללקוחותינו
    מסביב לשעון

    Availability⁢ to our customers ⁢
    around the clock⁢

    Custom process⁢ ⁢
    for the customer’s needs⁢

    Speak code⁢ ⁢
    Mother tongue level \ Native language⁢

    תהליך מותאם אישית
    לצורכי הלקוח

    Native code speakers

    לקוחות ממליצים

    צופעט למרקוח איבברומ

    שבעגט ליבם סולגק. בראיט ולחת צורק מונחף, בגורמי מגמש. תרבנך וסתעד לכנו סתשם השמה - לתכי מורגם בורק? לתיג ישבעס. יבם סולגק. בראיט ולחת צורק מונחףיבם סולגק. בראיט ולחת צורק מונחף

    שם הממליץ


    צופעט למרקוח איבברומ

    שבעגט ליבם סולגק. בראיט ולחת צורק מונחף, בגורמי מגמש. תרבנך וסתעד לכנו סתשם השמה - לתכי מורגם בורק? לתיג ישבעס. יבם סולגק. בראיט ולחת צורק מונחףיבם סולגק. בראיט ולחת צורק מונחף

    שם הממליץ


    צופעט למרקוח איבברומ

    שבעגט ליבם סולגק. בראיט ולחת צורק מונחף, בגורמי מגמש. תרבנך וסתעד לכנו סתשם השמה - לתכי מורגם בורק? לתיג ישבעס. יבם סולגק. בראיט ולחת צורק מונחףיבם סולגק. בראיט ולחת צורק מונחף

    שם הממליץ




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