Artificial Intelligence Consulting

The field of artificial intelligence opens a technological hatch to new worlds. We help both entrepreneurs who develop AI products and businesses and companies that want to integrate high-quality and effective AI tools into their operations.

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The Future of Artificial Intelligence

We are at the beginning of The Age of Artificial Intelligence And the technological world is about to be divided in two - the entrepreneurs who will “catch” the train versus those who will be left behind on the platform. Already today when we talk about AI we are facing hundreds (if not thousands) of different artificial intelligence tools, which offer different routes and of course - compete with each other.

Advantages in the development of artificial intelligence

AI product development offers a wide range of opportunities depending on your needs and goals. Whether it is developing from scratch or using existing tools. We specialize in responding to our customers in this process of artificial intelligence development.

Benefits for you:

  • Penetration into new audiences and new product development.
  • Shortening of schedules and significant savings in working hours.
  • Smart automations to improve work processes.
  • Improving products and user experience.
  • Quick access to sources of information.

Artificial Intelligence Consulting

The field of artificial intelligence is evolving and growing at a dizzying pace with new, high-quality tools appearing almost every week. In fact, we're in an amazing time where even software houses and developers don't always know where things will lead. Businesses and entrepreneurs who want to enter the field need an expert consultant who knows AI in its own right, is familiar with the various tools, knows where the wind is blowing and helps find the right technological solutions.

Benefits for you:

  • We know many AI tools and know how to help choose the right tool and the right route.
  • Focusing on artificial intelligence tools that generate value and profit for the business.
  • Trainings and lectures for employees on improving AI for the benefit of the organization.
  • Knowledge in developing AI tools includes custom programming for the company.

Databases for learning AI

Every tool of AI ultimately rests on access to information. Whether the information is present in the organization (for example, purchasing habits of policyholders according to various parameters) or whether it is necessary to obtain it from third-party sources. We provide our clients with comprehensive advice on databases for the use of various types of AI tools.

Benefits for you:

  • Understanding that information is an asset that needs to be collected, stored and managed under methodologies of access, permissions, order, security, availability.
  • Familiarity with different databases and cross-referencing between databases.
  • Use of existing information for the benefit of the organization for various needs.

Types of artificial intelligence

There are many types of AI tools that can (each in its field) dramatically improve the operations of any business or company. It is important to know the main ones. Whether you are entrepreneurs who want to develop AI or businesses looking to embed artificial intelligence in an organization.

Common types of AI:

  • Chat bots - Automated interaction with users and providing intelligent customer service.
  • Content creation models - Intelligent content creation models (such as texts, video, images, presentations and more),
  • Business AI - Modules for the business sector such as AI designed to analyze and optimize processes. For example, smart inventory management systems or algorithms to improve site performance.
  • Predicting consumer behavior - For example, machine learning and AI systems to predict consumer behavior, which analyze data and provide insights into customers.

Upgrading existing operations with artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence tools can significantly upgrade existing operations in an organization in terms of work processes, access to information, customer service, user experience, data analysis (and inference), and even providing advice and guidance. But in order to get high-quality results that are really reflected in the profit line, it is advisable to act alongside the advice and accompaniment of AI experts.

Saving the time of information processing

Artificial intelligence tools enable significant savings in information processing time, leading to significant improvements in performance and business results across the entire width of the sheet.

Benefits for you:

  • Automation of processes that usually require a lot of resources and/or lengthy manual labor.
  • Analyze huge amounts of data quickly.
  • Identifying patterns, drawing conclusions and reaching practical insights in real time.
  • Saving working hours of analysts who no longer need to manually go over information for hours or days.
  • Quick access to world-wide databases.
  • Reducing human error and improving accuracy.

Implementation of AI tools

Once we have selected the relevant tools, we will build a specific implementation plan for you that will allow you to integrate the solutions of artificial intelligence in an efficient, fast and cost-effective way. A very practical program, easy to implement, which deals with issues such as how to properly operate the tool, what are its limitations (for example, when to do a double check for results), and so on.

The program includes:

  • Mapping Existing Enterprise Information - Mapping any information that could be relevant to the AI tools from Excel, CRM and/or ERP systems, etc.
  • Positions in the company that will work with the tool - Includes the definition of a relevant and responsible hierarchy that can address other employees.
  • Maintenance and audit required - Setting up the “day after” in terms of control, maintenance, faults, operation, customer service availability, etc.

Developing unique AI algorithms

Many businesses and organizations are interested in developing and/or customizing AI tools for specific needs. Either because there are no relevant artificial intelligence solutions that can provide them with a response to the required procedure or out of a purely business desire, “keep the technological asset” in-house. Whatever the reason, this is an uncomplicated procedure that requires professionalism, knowledge, expertise and extensive familiarity with the evolving AI world.

Benefits for you:

  • Detecting existing AI tools that may aid development.
  • Familiarize yourself with the capabilities of artificial intelligence in the field in question.
  • Creativity and thinking “out of the box” as is often required in innovative developments.
  • Recruiting AI programmers and setting up a dedicated development team.
  • Ability to assess the economic viability of the move in advance.

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