The need for technology consulting for companies
Design of technological solutions
Improving workflows with artificial intelligence
Construction of new software products that are not in the company's specialty
Transverse technological process drive
Consulting in the implementation of automations
Organizational consulting and team training
Increasing motivation for renewal
Project Management
As in the building industry where you start with an engineer and not directly bring in laborers, so in the software world it is better to plan before signing with programmers. Whether it is a startup that assembles a team or any business that wants to introduce an innovative technological tool. Technologies change at a dizzying pace and it is important to know how to use the budget correctly. In simple language, technology consulting to a company may save up to about 80% in development expenses if you build the foundations right.
Benefits for you:
Designing technological solutions involves a series of tests such as cost examination, comparisons between suppliers and, of course, choosing from the different alternatives. In the world of technology, it's no big deal. The more accurate the solution is to the needs of the business and the market in which it operates, and the longer the technology stands the test of time, the better the budget will be used. Technology consulting based on extensive experience makes it possible to strike a balance between all the parameters personalized to the company.
Our design includes (among other things):
AI is going to be an integral part of every business activity and every field. Companies that will sooner integrate artificial intelligence into their work processes will gain critical experience and a positive gap from competitors. But already now the world of AI offers many possibilities and the choice of the right tool has to be tailored to the required function. For example, sales, accounting, suppliers, customers, data entry, professional content, marketing content, etc. It is also important to properly integrate AI into the organization, “train it” and get the best out of it.
Benefits for you:
Many companies need a technological solution that is not in their field of expertise, and each entry into an unfamiliar field entails both opportunity and risks. Building a new software product will be effective when accompanied by technological advice and professional guidance. The service can be divided into two types of customers, as detailed below, technological companies and non-technological companies.
Large companies that are used to working with certain systems find it very difficult to progress to new systems and are often afraid even of the process itself. This is despite all the advantages inherent in the course and being, almost always, inevitable (after all, you will not be able to stay behind for long). Quality technology consulting is the solution and especially if it is based on existing tools and infrastructures that are ready for immediate implementation. This technology consultancy enables large commercial and public entities to successfully undergo the required technological facelift.
Benefits for you:
Implementing automations streamlines processes and reduces dependence on manual operations and human personnel. The transfer of processes to automation (full or partial) is carried out using advanced technological tools and applying various algorithms. Including, for example, tools based in part on artificial intelligence AI. Integration of automations contributes to reducing errors, shortening execution times and improving efficiency and throughput indicators, and is reflected in profit.
Benefits for you:
Whether you have software professionals in your organization or not, we specialize in enterprise consulting for training development teams. Starting from recruiting new programmers to upgrading existing staff. For example, familiarization with AI tools, trainings on new technological systems, innovative software-based solutions, and so on.
Hitherto for you:
Societies, like humans, tend to avoid adventures. This is despite the fact that state-of-the-art technology tools may grow the company and lift its profit line. Often, only an external technology consultancy will be able to lead the changes thanks to being active, innovative and knowledgeable in the most advanced technologies (e.g., AI today). Experience shows that such a move in most cases leads to a leap in motivation for innovation and really “injects new technological energy” into the organization.
Benefits for you:
A technology project consists of a wide range of professionals such as (for example) programmers, designers, user experience experts, copywriters, AI people, Data people and the like. In order to synchronize all these specialists you need to know how to manage the project correctly. Like a conductor on an orchestra. Project management should be based on technological advice that relies on decades of experience. Someone who knows well the role of each and every one of the professionals and the points of interface between them.
Our service (not a closed list):