Startup Consulting

We provide consultancy to startups that combine both technological knowledge of the highest standards and multidisciplinary management knowledge. We will help you “beat” the statistic that only about 16% of Israeli startups end up becoming a mature company.

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Our Consultation Process

How do you start a startup?

Starting a startup begins with a first stage with the formulation of the idea and direction, conducting preliminary tests (such as a market survey and economic feasibility), selecting the appropriate partners and, of course, drawing up a business plan. Only after these preliminary stages do we move on to the practical-bureaucratic part of company formation, partner agreement, etc.

Many entrepreneurs do not come with the necessary business background and need solutions to build the foundations right. Here we come into the picture with the experience of hundreds of projects in setting up different startups. It is important to note that a start-up company is unique in some aspects compared to an ordinary company and there are nuances that are very worth knowing in advance.

Benefits for you:

  • An orderly plan for starting a startup.
  • An agreement is arranged between the partners to prevent unnecessary disputes that could “bring down the enterprise”.
  • Business and technological feasibility study.
  • Assistance with investors.

Market survey

A market survey is a critical stage for any start-up as it provides insights into the target audience, competitors and trends in the industry, and enables data-driven decision making. We offer professional escort services to conduct in-depth market surveys for startups, including competitor analysis, supply/demand, and understanding customer needs. On the one hand we want to identify opportunities and on the other hand prevent costly mistakes. Simply put - is there a need for the idea of the start-up and how many customers will be willing to pay for it.

Benefits for you:

  • Competitor analysis and analysis of consumption habits of customers in the specific market.
  • Checking the business model and its profitability.
  • Market volume - whether there is a large enough market that justifies the company and its activities.
  • Is the technology you offer suitable for the relevant market?

Finding a Startup Partner/Partners

Many entrepreneurs are undecided about the introduction of a partner or partners. On the one hand, the partnership has advantages, for example, when the partners complement each other (one is a programmer and the other a business entrepreneur) and, of course, the distribution of the “financial burden” (and risk). On the other hand, a partnership could run aground and damage the venture to the point of collapse.

Choosing a startup partner is a critical decision that requires a lot of thought. It is important that the partner holds a similar vision, brings complementary value and does not duplicate existing capabilities. Likewise, the weight of mutual trust and joint work experience must not be reduced. When the partner is also an investor, he has a dual interest in the success of the company, but needs to define the areas of responsibility in advance.

In our company, which sells many startups and also many partners, we know how to identify critical points in advance, address them and overcome future difficulties. We know how to strengthen the partnership and make it precise so that the whole is greater than its parts.

Benefits for you:

  • Assistance in the formation of an affiliate agreement.
  • Assisting in making the decision about a yes or no partner.
  • Professional characterization of a partner that comes on the basis of technological background.

Building a business plan

A business plan for a startup should create a connection between the vision and the execution and business model. We help our clients build a professional, detailed and high-quality business plan, from the experience we have gained in accompanying startups from various fields and from familiarizing ourselves with the challenges ahead. The business plan is also intended to be used by the company itself as a practical action plan, and also serves as a basis for formulating an investor presentation for raising capital.

What does a business plan include?

  • Executive Summary.
  • Description of the company.
  • Market Analysis.
  • Organizational structure.
  • Product line or services.
  • Marketing and sales strategy.
  • Funding request.
  • Financial forecasts.

Investor Presentation

A quality investor presentation is an extremely important tool in the stages of capital raising and, as we know, there is nothing like a first impression. Especially in a world where investors are exposed to dozens of presentations when looking for the right company to “go with”. We accompany our clients in the preparation of the presentation and in the preparation of the presenter (s). Including sometimes up to a preliminary pilot run before important meetings to refine messages and out of familiarity with points of interest to the potential investor.

Benefits for you:

  • Rich experience writing and designing investor presentations for technology companies.
  • Familiarize yourself with investors' points of view.
  • Accurate presentation of the data and trends.

Choose between launching in Israel or abroad

Many entrepreneurs are debating whether to launch their company in Israel (for example, due to local industry ties) or abroad (usually due to the size of the market). Sometimes the debate is combined when there is an attempt to start in the country before international expansion. Since this is a critical decision, it is important to make it in an informed way. We help our clients understand the true meanings of the launch location to them, enabling them to choose the path that best suits the company and its success.

Locating investors

Locating investors is the fundamental stage of entrepreneurial activity and we stand by our clients both through contacts and familiarity with many investors and in proactively locating potential investors. It is important to know that many investors receive dozens of inquiries a day and each have different interests and different approaches. Likewise, the start-up company sometimes has “one opportunity” in front of a suitable investor, and it must “exploit” it in the most accurate and correct way. Often, “intelligence” preparatory work is required on the investor to touch on the most relevant points.

Benefits for you:

  • Great familiarity with potential investors who might suit.
  • Knowledge and experience in a proactive approach to investors in various fields.
  • Close accompaniment in the conversation in front of the investor.
  • Preparation of investor lists, including current details and referral reclamation.
  • Preliminary research on investors before contacting.

Building a budget and financial plan

A startup is ultimately a company that must work according to a business and economic model. Building a budget and a financial plan are designed to put things “on the table” in an orderly way so that you can get the most out of the given budget. On the one hand, by identifying challenges and obstacles in advance, and on the other by identifying specific opportunities and advantages. We specialize in building a budget for startups at various stages of their operations, reflecting to our clients the costs along the way.

Benefits for you:

  • An accurate assessment of the expected costs and the amount of equity needed.
  • Assessment of profit potential and date of commencement of income.
  • Responding to various costs - salaries, advertising, offices and so on.
  • When is it advisable to start raising capital in front of investors.

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